the map is the territory
Make a Spells Folder
solarpunk.coolLet’s create a space in this altar for our spellwork, and let’s make it a hidden space. type:$: mkdir .spells
(Note the . before spells.)
and then:$: ls
you will only see:blessing
anything that starts with a dot will be hidden from normal view. However, we can ask ls to show us all, even the hidden things. We do this by adding a modifier to our invocation. type:$: ls -a
you will see it all▣:. .. .spells blessing
As you learn this language and become more familiar with these command spirits, the computer will open up and reveal more to you.
Try:$: ls -a ~
There’s a number of hidden files in your home directory, invisible until you knew how to ask for them.
This continual surprise, of something being ever present but invisible until called upon, is a regular experience in the command line.▣