the map is the territory
Make an Altar
solarpunk.coolWe’ve chatted and moved with our computer, now let’s create.
While in your home directory▣, type:$: mkdir altar
Like cd, mkdir does its thing quietly. You won’t see any confirmation, just a flash of the command line prompt.
However, when you type:$: ls
you will see altar listed among your home folders:altar Desktop Downloads Pictures...
- description
- make a directory
- likes
- the location of a directory that doesn't exist
- gives
- that directory manifested into being
Let’s move into the altar:$: cd altar
Then confirm we are there:$: pwd
We should see something like:/Users/You/altar
Let’s list everything here:$: ls
This gives...nothing. We’ve manifested ourselves an empty space.
Next, we’ll fill it with blessings and spells.